Plant Care Guide

Potted Plants from Native Poppy

Plant lovers know how much joy a pretty plant can bring.

Air purifying qualities, check! Mental health benefits, you betcha! When flowers aren't quite the move, send a plant (and stylish modern planter) from our shelves at Native Poppy! We stock a variety of plants, many that are super low-maintenance and perfect for beginners.

If you just added a new plant to your home, we've got tips and tricks to help you care for your new addition and keep it looking its best!


Lady Valentine plant with pink variegated leaves

Lady Valentine


This pretty plant is native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia. Also known as 'Chinese Evergreen' these plants historically have been grown as luck-bringing plants in Asian cultures. Lady Valentine variety offers a bright pink pop to your house plant collection. Easy to care for with stunning foliage.

Light: Medium to bright indirect light.

Water: Allow top 1-2 inches of soil to dry out between watering. Prefers high humidity. Recommend wet pebble tray.

Pets: Toxic


    Anthurium Plant with red flowers


    Anthurium andraeanum

    Native to tropical Americas. This lively tropical plant likes humidity, and would be happy in a bathroom near a sunny window. Waxy flowers can come in a variety of shades. An unobstructed east-facing window or dappled bright light best mimics the natural tropical understory habitat. Too much direct sun can cause leaves to burn.

    Light: Bright, indirect light with just a little direct sun.

    Water: Grow best in consistently moist soil. Water when the top of the potting mix feels dry to the touch. Appreciates high humidity. Recommend growing on a wet pebble tray.

    Pets: Toxic


    Arrowhead Plant in white grower's pot

    Arrowhead / Pink Arrowhead

    Syngonium podophyllum

    Native to rainforests of South & Central America. Arrowhead plants are sometimes known as Goose Foot plants due to their heart shaped leaves. Bright light will help retain the natural variegation or pink pigment in the leaves, but avoid direct sunlight, which can damage delicate leaves.

    Light: Medium to bright, indirect light. Tolerates low light. Not suited for intense direct sun.

    Water: Allow top 1-2 inches of soil to dry out between watering. Prefers high humidity. Recommend wet pebble tray or humidifier.

    Pets: Toxic


    Painted leaf begonia plant with pink-purple leaves

    Painted Leaf Begonia

    Begonia rex-cultorum

    Native to forests of Northern India. Now found in tropical and semi-tropical climates all over the world. The Begonia rex-cultorum group includes over 4,000 varieties known for their stunning textures and luscious leaf color options.

    Light: Bright, indirect. East or west exposure. Rotate frequently to expose it to light on all sides.

    Water: Tends to be thirsty. Keep soil moderately moist. Prefers a humid environment. Recommend wet pebble tray.

    Pets: Toxic


    Caladium plant


    Native to the Amazon basin in Brazil. Caladium plants (also known as "angel wings") feature delicate, heart shaped leaves that are unlike most typical house plants. They require up to five months of dormancy in the winter months. As they die back, they only require a light watering once a month until growth resumes in the spring.

    Light: Medium, indirect light

    Water: Allow soil to dry out half way between watering. Prefers high humidity. Recommend wet pebble tray or humidifier.

    Pets: Toxic



    Calathea plant

    Calathea - Rose Painted, Medallion, or Dottie

    Calathea roseopicta

    Native to tropical Americas. In its natural habitat, Calathea roseopicta grows across damp forest floors. The dark underside of the leaf absorbs light in dim environments. Good for spaces that lack natural light. Loves very warm and humid environments.

    Light: Medium, bright indirect light ideal. Can tolerate low light.

    Water: Let the top 1-2 inches dry out between watering.

    Pet Friendly




    pinstripe calathea plant

    Pink Pinstripe Calathea 

    Calathea ornata 

    Native to the tropics of South America but can be found in tropical climates across the world including Thailand, parts of Africa and the West Indies. Found in the understory of tropical forests, receiving dappled light and a highly humid environment.

    Light: Medium, bright indirect light ideal. Can tolerate low light.

    Water: Let the top 1-2 inches dry out between watering.

    Pet Friendly



    Fluffy ruffles fern

    Fluffy Ruffles Fern

    Nephrolepsis exaltata

    Light: Medium; bright indirect. East or west facing windows. North okay too.

    Water: Keep soil moderately moist but not soggy. Appreciates a humid environment. Recommend wet pebble tray, humidifier or humid location like a bathroom.

    Pet Friendly





    Indian Holly fern plant

    Indian Holly Fern

    Arachniodes simplicior

    Indian Holly Fern has a distinctive bright green stripe down the middle of each triangular frond, making this fern extra eye-catching. An excellent choice for bringing woodland vibes to your home.

    Light: Medium; bright indirect. East or west facing windows. North okay too.

    Water: Keep soil moderately moist but not soggy. Appreciates a humid environment. Recommend wet pebble tray, humidifier or humid location like a bathroom.

    Pet Friendly





    Lemon button fern

    Lemon Button Fern

    Nephrolepis cordifolia Duffii

    This cutie fern is a dwarf variety of the popularBoston Fern! Also called Button Sword Fern, erect sword fern, little-leaved sword fern, and fishbone fern. The tiny round leaves give off a faint lemon scent, and it's dainty size makes it ideal as a indoor plant.

    Light: Medium; bright indirect. East or west facing windows. North okay too.

    Water: Keep soil moderately moist but not soggy. Appreciates a humid environment. Recommend wet pebble tray, humidifier or humid location like a bathroom.

    Pet Friendly



    Maidenhair fern plant

    Maidenhair Fern

    Adiantum raddianum 

    These delicate beauties appreciate dappled light, to protect their tender leaves. If you see crispy leaves, or if leaflets are falling off, that's a sign to move away from bright light and away from dry air.

    Maidenhair Ferns love humidity! In natural settings, these gorgeous ferns are known for growing along rock walls near waterfalls. As a moisture loving plant, you may consider occasional misting if you live in a dry climate.

    Light: Medium indirect. East or west facing windows. North okay too.

    Water: Keep soil moderately moist but not soggy. Appreciates a humid environment. Recommend wet pebble tray, humidifier or humid location like a bathroom.

    Pet Friendly

    Staghorn Fern plant

    Staghorn Fern

    Platycerium bifurcatum

    The thick leaves of the unique staghorn fern are actually fronds. They are uniquely shaped like the antlers of a deer or moose. Staghorn Fern is slow-growing, but has such a stunning form, it's worth the wait! Staghorn Ferns can grow with minimal to no soil as they mature! Some green thumbs mount the plant to wood to mimic the way Staghorn ferns naturally grow on tree trunks and branches.

    Light: Bright, indirect. East or west exposure.

    Water: Keep soil moist. If the round leaves have covered the potting soil, bottom water, as soaking these can cause them to rot. Prefers high humidity. Recommend wet pebble tray or humidifier.

    Pet Friendly

    Peperomia plant - watermelon

    Watermelon Peperomia

    Peperomia argyreia

    Gorgeous striped leaves make Watermelon Peperomia an eye-catching houseplant favored by plant-lovers. Unlike it's wrinkly cousins, Watermelon Peperomia has smooth, waxy leaves with dramatic striping that looks just like its namesake.

    Unlike most plants, Watermelon Peperomia actually prefers to be rootbound, so avoid re-potting in too large of a planter. If the leaves droop or start to appear thin, it's likely that your plant needs a drink of water!

    Light: Medium; bright indirect. East or west facing windows.

    Water: Allow the top of the soil to dry out between waterings. Moderate humidity needs.

    Pet Friendly

    Peperomia plant


    Peperomia caperata

    Depending on seasonal availability, we carry many varieties of Peperomia caperata. Frost, Red Luna, Emerald Ripple Peperomia are different varieties within the same species.

    In general peperomias are extremely forgiving plants. Their nickname, the radiator plant, is based on the folklore that you could set a peperomia on a radiator without causing the plant's demise. Though they prefer moderate to high humidity, they can endure pretty dry atmospheres and are forgiving if you happen to miss them on a watering cycle.

    Light: Medium; bright indirect. East or west facing windows.

    Water: Allow the top of the soil to dry out between watering. Maintain moderate to high humidity but do not mist the leaves. Recommend wet pebble tray or or humidifier.

    Pet Friendly

    Poinsettia plants in several shades of red


    Euphorbia pulcherrima

    Colorful poinsettia plants are popular for holiday decor, but can be enjoyed all year round. Their star shaped "blooms" are actually bracts (leaves), which come in many different shades and colors.

    While these plants are not toxic to children or pets, they should not be eaten. The milky sap that's produced when cutting stems or torn leaves can irritate the skin or cause rashes, so wearing gloves when caring for Poinsettias is advised. 

    Light: Poinsettias enjoy bright, indirect sunlight

    Water: Water thoroughly when soil feels dry to the touch. Keep soil moist but not saturated - do not allow plant to sit in water

    Pet Friendly

    Polka dot plant in pink and white variagated varieties

    Polka Dot Plant

    Hypoestes phyllostachya

    Polka Dot Plant is easy to grow indoors, and its cute pink variegated leaves add color to your home. To prevent your plant from getting leggy, keep near a consistent light source, and pinch off new leaf or flower growth once or twice a month to limit height and keep the shape of the plant more compact.

    Polka dot plants go dormant after flowering, usually within one to two years. 

    Light: Medium; bright indirect. East or west facing windows. If the pink spots start to fade, move to a brighter location.

    Water: Keep soil moderately moist. Moderate humidity needs. Recommend wet pebble tray.

    Pet Friendly

    Marble Queen pothos plant

    Pothos - Jade or Marble Queen

    Epipremnum aureum 

    Native to the islands of the South Pacific. Pothos is great a plant for beginners. It bounces back quickly from neglect and has very moderate light and humidity needs. They climb well and grow quickly. Jade Pothos features glossy dark green leaves, whereas it's cousin 'Marble Queen' features bright green leaves with cream variegation. Pothos may vine up to 10 feet long in ideal indoor growing conditions!

    Light: Medium; bright indirect. East or west exposure. Can also tolerate low light levels so northern exposure is okay too.

    Water: Allow soil to dry out between watering. One of the few plants we carry with low humidity needs.

    Pets: Toxic

    Pink Princess Plant
    Pink Princess Philodendron

    Philodendron erubescens

    This suuuuuper trendy plant is a plant-lover's dream, and we can see why! The gorgeous pink and green variegated leaves are a popular choice for modern plant collectors. Since this stunning variety can't be grown from seed, cuttings and plants have become rarer as the plant has surged in popularity.

    Light: Bright indirect but can tolerate a couple hours of direct light. If the variegation starts to fade and it is reverting back to green, increase light immediately, as it's very difficult to improve the pink variegation once it reverts to full green. If your plant becomes "leggy" increase light.

    Water: Allow top 1” of soil to dry out between plantings.

    Pets: Toxic

    Philodendron Brasil
    Philodendron Brasil

    Philodendron hederaceum

    The pretty heart-shaped leaves and lime green variegated stripes of the Philodendron Brasil make it a stunning choice for a plant collection. This low-maintenance plant loves light, so find a sunny shelf to display this beauty.

    Light: Bright indirect but can tolerate a couple hours of direct light. If the variegation starts to fade and it is reverting back to green, increase light.

    Water: Allow top 1” of soil to dry out between plantings.

    Pets: Toxic